
Photography: capturing the moments!



To love them, to cherish them, to protect them… And make them more and more self-sufficient so that they can leave us. To help our children grow up is also to grow up with them.

Happy parents

Happy parents

How can you make your lives as parents brighter, happier and less triring and stressful? Everyone has their own recipe, but these few tips we offer are a good start!

Blossoming family

Blossoming family

The family is our first contact with the world. Although this contact is different for everyone, we can say that there are some key elements to make all family members happier.


What are the signs of a happy baby?

Parent-child relationship

As a young parent, you are concerned about your baby’s development and happiness. Discover the advice of a paediatrician to establish a good parent-child relationship and what are the signs of a happy baby.

Like explained on, since birth, your baby has been the object of your full attention. You’re watching his every move. You listen as soon as he starts to cry. You are on the lookout for the slightest twitter from him. The parent-child relationship is a particularly deep bond and is at the centre of a baby’s development.

Talking to a baby is an art

Communication with your baby


Babies’ expressions

Gestures of a happy baby

Even before he can speak, baby expresses his emotions through his body and gestures. Thus, observing his gestures and learning to decipher them allows you to better perceive your baby’s well-being.


Baby’s crying: another way to communicate

Sometimes stressful or even exhausting, baby crying makes you think your baby is not fulfilled. Your baby is actually expressing his/her feelings. He/She uses different types of crying and facial expressions and tries to interact with his/her environment.


Learning without mom and dad

As your baby develops, you’re beginning to see him/her going out into the world on his/her own. So, from 4 months onwards, your baby enjoys short periods of relaxation alone.


Looking for boundaries: the crisis of opposition

Certain stages of a baby’s life can be particularly confusing for parents. For example, between 18 and 24 months of age, your child often has only one word on his lips: “No!”  In reality, this sometimes difficult phase is part of your child’s normal development.


Moving around

On the road to independence, at around 8 months, your little one will then start to move around on his own, determined to explore his environment.


Your baby’s development in a nutshell

As you can see, your baby expresses his/her sense of well-being and desire to interact with you in different ways. If words aren’t there yet, gestures, facial expressions, cooing, the desire to learn and even crying and opposition ensure that baby continues to develop normally.


Reading young is reading for a lifetime

It’s important that in this day and age of television, videogames and movies that people strive to set time aside to read. Nothing is more important to the overall education of a person than being well read in the written word. Forget about magazines, they don’t count. Novels are what people should strive to read more often. If what you like to read contains pictures then you need to consider switching to something a little more mentally stimulating.

Managing his/her feelings

Helping your child open up to the world

With your support, the child learns to recognize his/her emotions, to have clearer ideas, to adapt to his/her social environment, to open up to the world. Little by little, as the months go by, the child acquires the ability to manage his/her feelings instead of being overwhelmed, to tolerate frustration, to control his/her impulses, more on


Recognition and gratitude

Appreciating the time you spend together

Another factor in making a family happy is recognition. The ability to look around and feel comfortable with what you have is one of the keys to happy families. Family members should be able to appreciate the time they spend together. When this happens, parents teach their children to enjoy every moment and children learn to enjoy every moment. For families facing negative situations such as illness or a bad economic situation, recognition will help them stay together and this can be a key to moving forward.


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